Friday 9 November 2012

Transformers Four

Yes, yes, yes, I know this film has only just really been announced, and isn't even going to be seriously mentioned in any way for about another year due to it coming out (as far as I know) in 2015, and let's face it, we need to get through that whole apocalypse thing next month first, but I'm still excited for it.

Now I know what you're all thinking "Aesir's excited about a Transformers thing? NO!!" and yes, one of the reasons I'm so excited is because it is Transformers related, and I do actually like the Transformers Movies, but I'm actually more excited about this installment compared to any other (since the first one) because it's essentially a soft reboot. It's the same storyline, but with new characters and presumably a new setting as well, and that just excites me as a movie fan. Maybe finally we'll be able to ditch Bumblebee as a main character, or introduce a deluge of new characters, plus with the deaths of the main Decepticons in DOTM I'm interested in who will take their place as the main villains (another powerful Decepticon like Thunderwing or Jhiaxus, or maybe a human group, like Skywatch?) Also this gives us an opportunity for more great storylines, like maybe after the events of DOTM Optimus snaps and turns into Nemesis Prime? Or the Human-Autobot alliance goes further and introduces a Headmaster or Powermaster-like concept?

Now because it's so early down the line we only know a few details about this installment, but here's all that's really known for sure:

  • There's a new cast
  • Mark Wahlberg has been cast as an actor
  • 2 Main characters are a school girl and a NASCAR racer (possibly meaning the Wreckers will be involved)
  • A British company was asked to hunt down actors, possibly meaning it will feature British characters or even a British setting
  • Michael Bay is directing again
So yeah, despite this film being far from ready, I am indeed excited already (but not THAT excited as I have a life) and look forward to any future news (especially about characters)

Comment below if you want to discuss this with me further! :)

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